To limit handling and liability issues, a medical center in the Midwest required hands-free delivery of its water treatment chemicals. But this requirement limited its product options and made it “captive” to a single supplier. The hospital’s water treatment capabilities were sometimes threatened as it waited weeks for overdue chemical deliveries.
An ROI analysis showed that Garratt-Callahan’s ChemFeed System would be a worthwhile one-time investment. By facilitating more timely, efficient hands-free delivery of all required chemicals, the ChemFeed System helped the medical center maintain reliable water treatment operations at all times, and at less cost.
The seven ChemFeed units saved the medical center approximately $4,300. As a result, the units paid for themselves in less than eight months. And over the seven years since the hospital decided it’s better to own than rent, the Garratt-Callahan solution has yielded water treatment cost savings of more than $30,000.
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Read Next: Water Treatment Case Study